My Artwork

“I could easily consider myself an art educator that makes art; however, I prefer to think of myself as an artist that educates students about the thing that I am most passionate about.”

My personal artwork is about story telling. Over time, I have fallen in love with mixed media painting and its ability to vividly express feelings, places and stories. The people that I love, my experiences, and my Mexican culture have informed my whimsical imagery. Color, texture, and line are the most important qualities of my work. Making art is an essential part of my survival in a world that is full of change. It is also part of showing people that I care. It creates balance and order in my life. As my life progresses, events and new relationships will continue to unfold and I wish to always have paint and paper handy to tell the “real story”.

 Above: Burning Man . Mixed Media . Commissioned Work . 2011

The Definition of my Life . Mixed Media . 2008


My Mixed Media paintings are created on watercolor paper. I use a combination of gouache paint (thick watercolor) and textures such as foil, maps, magazines, and patterned and recycled papers to enhance my imagery.

 Olivia . Mixed Media . 2010

Ironically, I made the painting above for a close friend’s child’s birth a year before I was hired to work in Malaysia. I happened to use a South East Asia map and Malaysia lays on the top right of the painting and is very prominent. I remember her asking me why I had picked Malaysia and I told her that it was a random thing. But apparently, it was not so random.  (Press on image to enlarge)

FireBoy . Mixed Media . 2009

My color palette is very defined and comes naturally to me. I think it comes from growing up in a very colorful culture. The colors that I gravitate toward also show up in the way I dress and decorate my home.

Tree of Hope . Mixed Media . Commissioned Work . 2008


Coronado . Mixed Media . Auction Piece for Coronado Schools Foundation .  2007